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USA Investor Visa for Bangladesh :

There are several categories through which entrepreneurs and investors and move to the US on temporary and permanent basis. A few popular options are given below:

For Entrepreneurs
Given to those applicants who acquire a running business in the US
There’s no set minimum investment requirement but an ideal investment is of around USD100,000/- or more
Successful applicants are allowed to come to the US with dependent family. They can stay there temporarily for the allowed period of time (2 years) and on completion of this period they apply for renewal of the visa. This is a non-immigrant visa which means that it does not lead to green card or permanent residence. However, while staying in the US on this visa, applicants can try other immigration routes for obtaining permanent residence by meeting the requirements of those routes.
Process Time: 02-03 Months

Register with us
Give us all documents of identity, experience (business of work), family, financial ability, assets etc.
Tell us the choicest type of business you wish to acquire in the US
We do research for such business availability for your purchase
Business options are presented to you
You choose the best business you find and give us go ahead to proceed with next process.
Next process is preparation of official documents regarding intention to purchase the selected business
With the preparation of above business documents, we also prepare your E2 visa application
When all documents and business plan is ready, the application is filed with the concerned office of US authority
The authority processes your application and call for interview at US embassy / consulate in your home country
We prepare you for interview and you attend the interview in person (with family)
At the end of interview a decision is made on the application
If the visa is granted, you travel to the US and acquire the business and start living and doing business
Our services close with the approval of visa, however, if you wish to get more services (such regarding business set up in the US etc.) we can provide that under separate agreement.
If the visa is refused, we look into the reasons of refusal and follow the case with appeal / reapplying as appropriate. There’s should be thereas. There’s no set minimum investment requirement but an ideal investment is of around USD100,000/- or more


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